Join my FREE Facebook group, JLUX Lifestyle & Fun, for free resources, information, fun chats with other women, and more!
Healthy by Design:
Full Spectrum Coaching Support: Movement, Nutrition, Mindset, and More
$1,500/year Paid in Full
Cycles/Hormones, Energy, and Stress! Feel like your life should be simpler and less stressful but you’re a human with a cycle and hormonal fluctuations that keep you feeling like you’re on a roller coaster? Especially with complications like PCOS and Endometriosis?
This coaching program is just for you!
Balanced by Design:
VIP Option with 4 1-to-1 Sessions: $1,997.00
Living Your Best Life while managing your hormone-related chronic illness.
It is possible, and I’m here to tell you that you can do it, just like I did! In this coaching program we tackle reducing stress, managing energy and hormones, nourishing and moving our bodies, and more!
Change by Design:
VIP Option with 4 1-to-1 Sessions
Pre-, peri-, during and post menopause! It’s like a second puberty…and we’ve all got a lot to learn. No more taboos.
Let’s get a good understanding of what our body is doing during these crazy years. And, like, when will it end already?!
If a group coaching program's not for you, let's talk about 1-to-1 Custom Coaching
•Go at your own pace and get a completely individualized experience
•Weekly coaching call
•Personalized plan with workbooks, checklists, and tracking
•Access to my Resources vault (workouts, recipes, and more)
•A spot at any workshop occurring during your coaching container
•Go at your own pace and get a completely individualized experience
•Weekly coaching call
•Personalized plan with workbooks, checklists, and tracking
•Access to my Resources vault (workouts, recipes, and more)
•A spot at any workshop occurring during your coaching container
You Are Stronger Than You Think!
I've been sitting in my living room, working and watching the Paris 2024 Olympics, and I just have to say that the USA Women's Gymnastics team is teaching us all so many amazing lessons! I watched their performances and heard their stories this week, and every single time, I was nearly overwhelmed with the way these women are bringing messages of hope and perseverance into conversation with the WORLD (I might have even cried on my exercise bike during the medals ceremony. You'll never know!) I am so excited to see what their experiences and further mentorship create for future women and athletes who are watching their every move, just like us!
Powerful comes in every size. When we work to refine our skills and talents, and to make our dreams come true, it doesn't matter how small we may feel, we are powerful! These women are examples to us all that we can do things that seem impossible on the surface. They are examples of the results you can achieve when you're focused, disciplined, and willing to take on fear and do it anyway. If you're as amazed as I am at what they can do physically, let's just take a moment and also consider all the things they have achieved mentally to get where they are.
You do the best you can. This means you sometimes step out for recovery. And sometimes you step up to shine. Sunni Lee's story came with a visceral reaction for me, as I learned about her struggles with two kidney diseases over the last several years. Her fight to find answers, her determination to get back to a place where she could work towards her next goals—those things were so relatable if you also have a chronic illness and big dreams! What I loved about her story was the fact that she chose to take the time she needed to find the right way to treat her body, and put the work in to get her wellness back to a level where she could make a comeback. That takes immense determination. She believed in her body's ability to heal, even though I'm sure that was hard, and probably met with skepticism by some. We often are encouraged to surrender to "the reality" of chronic disease, to change our dreams and goals, and live with "a new normal". Sunni Lee's story shows that we can take a different path, with good health support and a resolve to do whatever it takes to support whatever our unique bodies need. I know her story will inspire me to keep going on rough days to come!
Your mental health is priceless. Simone Biles stepped out of the spotlight last year to deal with her mental health. There were people at the time who said it was the end of her career, that she wouldn't be able to come back from that—both personally, and baed on what it meant about her reputation. At the time, I was amazed at her strength. Taking that risk was brave. And it told a story that really made each of us examine what we value in our own lives and work. Do you keep going and striving for the next achievement no matter the cost? Or do you take the time to ask yourself what the next achievement might mean if it comes at the price of your sanity or your self-worth? Simone showed us that even the biggest prizes, the highest goals, are sometimes not worth compromising your mental health. And, she also showed that patience allows us to take the long game seriously—you can take the time you need, and your goals are still achievable. No matter what you're trying to do, you don't have to run headlong to the finish line, and feel like a failure if you don't make it the first time, or in your early 20's.
Your support system MATTERS. The crowd was full of people cheering these athletes on. From parents, spouses, siblings, friends, and even other high-achieving athletes...the room was filled with people supporting and showing up for these women. You could see that they felt the love. I know how difficult it can feel to do something when you feel alone. Simone Biles even brought that up, sharing how in the last Olympics her family was unable to be there, and she felt the loss of their presence as she attempted to perform in a time that was already a low point for her. We can all relate to that! My hope is that I can remember that I have support when I need it, and that I do a great job of making my support available to others I know. So that none of us feel we have to go it alone. Our collective of amazing women is possible because we are all here for each other!
Take the time to be healthy. Think of how strong and healthy these women looked in Paris, and remember that each of them had to intentionally put the work in to get that way. Each of them had to overcome so much in order to make it to the medal podium. In a way, I'd guess that each one of them felt that the struggles they went through made their wins this week even more meaningful to them personally than if they'd had smooth sailing into the 2024 Olympics. They should be so proud!
What are you facing right now in your own life? Do you need to step back and take better care of your body or your heart? Do you need some support? You have the strength in you to make the changes you need in order to show up for your dreams. And you have people in your life who are just waiting for you to say you need them. Chase Your Dreams. Do one things this week to set yourself up for success. I'll be doing the same, over here in my corner of the world!
Thanks for stopping by! My name is Jane Lockhart and I’ve been on the chronic hormone-related illness journey since 2014. My own health issues led me to uncover a passion for developing health practices that keep me as natural and prescription free as possible—and that journey led me to leave the corporate world, become a yoga instructor and women's health coach, and begin to work with others who are experiencing the same struggles I navigate. I now work with women from all over, with courses, resources, coaching, and retreats to help you to live your life, achieve your goals, and just be happy and healthy in your own skin!
Working with me as your wellness coach means that I will:
•Use my knowledge, skills, and experience to help you bridge the gap between where you want to be and where you are currently. We all start somewhere!
•Help you to set goals that align with your priorities, values, and desires.
•Empower you to make your own decisions—in alignment with your values.
•Work side-by-side with you to design a plan with realistic, actionable steps you can take to achieve your goals.Offer support, encouragement, and problem-solving along the way.
The Intrepid Collective
Are you also a coach? Looking for support on creating strategic, authentic organic social media content with other heart-centered coaches and entrepreneurs? This is the Mastermind Group for you!
— Group Lessons with workbooks and planners
— Monthly Co-Working Sessions
— Group Support and Connection with other coaches
I help other coaches to connect to your audience—let's showcase your real and authentic personality, and help you to get to really know your people:
How About YOU?
Find out where you are on your PCOS and/or Endometriosis journey and take steps toward better wellness so that you can achieve your goals and live a better more fulfilling life!
If you're struggling with your health and fertility; have painful, heavy, or irregular periods; and feel like you are always tired, depressed, or in pain you may have PCOS and/or Endometriosis. Whether you're just starting your journey into finding out what's going on with you, or you've already been diagnosed, the resources in this checklist filled workbook will help you to evaluate exactly where you are and give you concrete steps to move forward to improving your wellness.
Here’s your place to start. You now have easy action steps to implement in building health-supporting wellness practices that will allow you to better manage your PCOS and/or Endometriosis.
With the PCOS and Endometriosis Checklist you can:
•Access your current struggles with PCOS/Endometriosis
•Decide on action steps you can take to begin improving your health
•Put a plan in place to implement your action steps
•Evaluate your progress and adjust your plan to fit your unique needs
Other resources
Mary Kay
Office: 1527 Altgeld St. South Bend, IN, 46614
Call :
Email: [email protected]
©2017-2025 Jane Lockhart UX Designs, LLC. All rights reserved. The trademark JLUX Designs™ is the exclusive property of Jane Lockhart UX Designs, LLC.
This website, including text, blog content, graphic designs, photographs, and other creative works found on this website, constitutes educational and journalistic expression not intended as medical advice.
The content on this website is not intended to substitute medical advice, diagnoses, treatments, or therapies.
You must consult with a trusted healthcare provider regarding any mental or physical ailments.
Testimonials or reviews on this website reflect individual experiences. Outcomes, results, and/or transformation are individualized and are not guaranteed.