Health Coaching and Advocacy for women with PCOS, Endometriosis, or Menopause

because good health is not a luxury

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Community-Focused online coaching programs

Healthy by Design:

Full Spectrum Coaching Support: Movement, Nutrition, Mindset, and More



$1,500/year Paid in Full

Cycles/Hormones, Energy, and Stress! Feel like your life should be simpler and less stressful but you’re a human with a cycle and hormonal fluctuations that keep you feeling like you’re on a roller coaster? Especially with complications like PCOS and Endometriosis?

This coaching program is just for you!

Balanced by Design:

& Advocating For Your Own Health


VIP Option with 4 1-to-1 Sessions: $1,997.00

Living Your Best Life while managing your hormone-related chronic illness.
It is possible, and I’m here to tell you that you can do it, just like I did! In this coaching program we tackle reducing stress, managing energy and hormones, nourishing and moving our bodies, and more!

Change by Design:

All the different phases of Menopause, and how to Thrive through the Change


VIP Option with 4 1-to-1 Sessions


Pre-, peri-, during and post menopause! It’s like a second puberty…and we’ve all got a lot to learn. No more taboos.

Let’s get a good understanding of what our body is doing during these crazy years. And, like, when will it end already?!


If a group coaching program's not for you, let's talk about 1-to-1 Custom Coaching

3 month 1-to-1 Coaching package

•Go at your own pace and get a completely individualized experience

•Weekly coaching call

•Personalized plan with workbooks, checklists, and tracking

•Access to my Resources vault (workouts, recipes, and more)

•A spot at any workshop occurring during your coaching container

6 Month 1-to-1 Coaching Package

•Go at your own pace and get a completely individualized experience

•Weekly coaching call

•Personalized plan with workbooks, checklists, and tracking

•Access to my Resources vault (workouts, recipes, and more)

•A spot at any workshop occurring during your coaching container

The Cover Image has a background of cozy lights and a candle; there is a photo of Jane with a purple lace dress and a lavender plaid shawl. She is wearing blue glasses.

My PCOS and Endometriosis Journey and How It's Changed My Life's Path: Part 2

March 25, 20246 min read

If you want to awaken happiness in your world, you must start by living a life that makes you happy and then radiate your happiness outward. If you want to eliminate suffering in the world, you must start by eliminating the negative parts of yourself and then radiate positivity outward. Truly, the greatest power you have in this world is the power of your own self transformation. It all starts with the man or woman in the mirror. - Nikki Rowe

The Next Three Years:

In April 2014, I was diagnosed with PCOS. With that information, I began the work of finding out exactly what I could do to manage my chronic illness. One of my big goals was to be able to manage my health without becoming dependent on medication. The biggest goal? DON’T DEVELOP TYPE 2 DIABETES. This was the biggest, scariest part of the PCOS diagnosis for me. I needed to do something to get myself some wins.

Here is what I did...

Image has a background of cozy lights and a candle; there is a photo of Jane with a purple lace dress and a lavender plaid shawl. She is wearing blue glasses.

1. Gluten Free Experiment

The doctor who provided me with the PCOS diagnosis gave me a piece of advice, telling me to try to go gluten free to see what it did for me. One of the driving factors in PCOS is chronic inflammation, and if you have a gluten sensitivity this can be a factor in your inflammation levels (there are lots of schools of thought on this. We can talk about that in depth, later.) Now you need to know that I’m not a fad dieter. I’m not the type of person who wants to try doing paleo at all. And at this point in my life, I lumped gluten free people into this category of fad diet if they weren’t true celiacs. I was highly skeptical when my doctor suggested it.

But my husband said, you feel so bad right now, let’s try it for a couple of weeks and see if it makes a difference. It can’t hurt!

So, we tired a two week experiment. It worked fast! Within that two weeks, I started feeling so much better! My ankle and joint swelling started to go down. I started to feel more energy. My stomach felt better.

I was a believer! Since that experiment, I have been mainly gluten free as a rule. I allow myself treats, but the longer I do this dietary adjustment, the more I notice the side-effects when I do cheat. Most of the time it has to be really worth it for me to be willing to eat something with gluten. 

2. Diet

I started researching the major symptoms of PCOS and what to do to help manage them. It was important to me to try to do all of this by making lifestyle changes. Since blood sugar management and inflammation control were high on this list of things to address, I knew I had to look at our diet.
This was especially important since the gluten free experiment worked so well for me! I began learning about the best way to eat for my body. Now, this took literal years of trial and error. I’ve had bumps in the road. But I’ve mainly been consistent in making and sticking to some strong dietary changes.

We’ll break this down later in detail, but I worked on limiting my sugar intake, slowly eliminated processed foods from our diet, and added lots of new recipes to our list of go-tos that gave me energy when we made them instead of making me feel weighed down and sluggish. I’d say a great place to start was with the most simple step of making my plate half vegetables, one quarter carbs, and one quarter protein. This ratio has changed a bit over time, but it was perfect for me at the very beginning.

3. Exercise

This one has taken the longest for me to adjust and find what worked well for me. I’ve gone through phases where any workout would put my body under enough stress that I’d get a migraine as a result. I’ll talk more about this in my next installment of this story.

Over time, I had to completely re-evaluate what a “good” workout routine was for me. As with every person, our bodies respond differently to different activities, and my belief that a workout should be exhausting to be worth it turned out to be exactly the opposite of what my body needed. I began to experiment with going back to yoga as a beginning. That eventually led to me getting my Yoga Teacher certification in 2020 (lockdown hobby, anyone?!) Today, I have a great routine that works for me, and I’ll share more about it in the future.

4. Supplements

The next thing that started to make a difference for me was adding some supplements to my daily routine. My doctor prescribed 3 supplements based on my specific bloodwork, and they began to help me regulate my blood sugar and my menstrual cycle. After starting the supplements, I had my first period after going off the birth control at the beginning of my health journey (I hadn’t had a period for about 4 months by the time of my diagnosis.) My periods were never regular before I started birth control. At one point, several years earlier, I had gone 9 months without a period. Now, with the supplements, I was having regular periods for the first time in my life. This was major.

I also added a supplement at the recommendation of a friend to help manage the very regular severe migraines I’d experienced since hitting puberty. The supplement really did help, and I slowly (over a span of two years) went from my high point of weekly migraines in 2013 to getting migraines just once a month. This was miraculous to me! It changed a lot, and allowed me to dive deeper into my health quest!

5. Stress Management

This one was the hardest for me! I love a high-pressure work situation. Give me tight deadlines, crazy expectations, some post-its, and a spreadsheet and I’ll have a strategy worked out to make it happen! The problem with that is long term stress contributes directly to my health, even if I’m enjoying the pressure! I had to learn to completely reprogram my work habits, my life, and my expectations of myself.

For example, as soon as the supplements and dietary changes started making me feel better and I gained energy, I signed up to go back to grad school full time while still working full time AND driving to work an hour each way. (I did cut back on my work hours to between 40-45 a week during this time! Good for me!!)

Eventually, I realized what I was doing to myself, and when an opportunity came for change in 2017, I took it and ran with it…

More next time!

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Jane Lockhart

Jane Lockhart, Wellness Coach/ Advocate for PCOS + Endometriosis + Menopause • Content strategy Coach for coaches • Website Designer • Yoga Teacher • Cat mom • Latte lover.

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Wellness Coach/ Advocate for PCOS + Endo + Menopause • Content strategy Coach for coaches •Website Designer • Yoga Teacher • Cat mom • Latte lover.

Thanks for stopping by! My name is Jane Lockhart and I’ve been on the chronic hormone-related illness journey since 2014. My own health issues led me to uncover a passion for developing health practices that keep me as natural and prescription free as possible—and that journey led me to leave the corporate world, become a yoga instructor and women's health coach, and begin to work with others who are experiencing the same struggles I navigate. I now work with women from all over, with courses, resources, coaching, and retreats to help you to live your life, achieve your goals, and just be happy and healthy in your own skin!

My Role as your coach

Working with me as your wellness coach means that I will:

•Use my knowledge, skills, and experience to help you bridge the gap between where you want to be and where you are currently. We all start somewhere!

•Help you to set goals that align with your priorities, values, and desires.

•Empower you to make your own decisions—in alignment with your values.

•Work side-by-side with you to design a plan with realistic, actionable steps you can take to achieve your goals.Offer support, encouragement, and problem-solving along the way.

The Intrepid Collective Logo is an eye wth a moonand sun in the pupil, surrounded by the words The Intrepid Collective in a circle around the eye. It is an all-caps sans-serif font.

The Intrepid Collective

Are you also a coach? Looking for support on creating strategic, authentic organic social media content with other heart-centered coaches and entrepreneurs? This is the Mastermind Group for you!

— Group Lessons with workbooks and planners

— Monthly Co-Working Sessions

— Group Support and Connection with other coaches


If you're a coach looking for support

I help other coaches to connect to your audience—let's showcase your real and authentic personality, and help you to get to really know your people:

• Social Media Strategy

• Website Design


How About YOU?

Find out where you are on your PCOS and/or Endometriosis journey and take steps toward better wellness so that you can achieve your goals and live a better more fulfilling life!

If you're struggling with your health and fertility; have painful, heavy, or irregular periods; and feel like you are always tired, depressed, or in pain you may have PCOS and/or Endometriosis. Whether you're just starting your journey into finding out what's going on with you, or you've already been diagnosed, the resources in this checklist filled workbook will help you to evaluate exactly where you are and give you concrete steps to move forward to improving your wellness.

Here’s your place to start. You now have easy action steps to implement in building health-supporting wellness practices that will allow you to better manage your PCOS and/or Endometriosis.

With the PCOS and Endometriosis Checklist you can:

•Access your current struggles with PCOS/Endometriosis

•Decide on action steps you can take to begin improving your health

•Put a plan in place to implement your action steps

•Evaluate your progress and adjust your plan to fit your unique needs


Office: 1527 Altgeld St. South Bend, IN, 46614

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©2017-2025 Jane Lockhart UX Designs, LLC. All rights reserved. The trademark JLUX Designs™ is the exclusive property of Jane Lockhart UX Designs, LLC.

This website, including text, blog content, graphic designs, photographs, and other creative works found on this website, constitutes educational and journalistic expression not intended as medical advice.

The content on this website is not intended to substitute medical advice, diagnoses, treatments, or therapies.

You must consult with a trusted healthcare provider regarding any mental or physical ailments.

Testimonials or reviews on this website reflect individual experiences. Outcomes, results, and/or transformation are individualized and are not guaranteed.