Join my FREE Facebook group, JLUX Lifestyle & Fun, for free resources, information, fun chats with other women, and more!
Healthy by Design:
Full Spectrum Coaching Support: Movement, Nutrition, Mindset, and More
$1,500/year Paid in Full
Cycles/Hormones, Energy, and Stress! Feel like your life should be simpler and less stressful but you’re a human with a cycle and hormonal fluctuations that keep you feeling like you’re on a roller coaster? Especially with complications like PCOS and Endometriosis?
This coaching program is just for you!
Balanced by Design:
VIP Option with 4 1-to-1 Sessions: $1,997.00
Living Your Best Life while managing your hormone-related chronic illness.
It is possible, and I’m here to tell you that you can do it, just like I did! In this coaching program we tackle reducing stress, managing energy and hormones, nourishing and moving our bodies, and more!
Change by Design:
VIP Option with 4 1-to-1 Sessions
Pre-, peri-, during and post menopause! It’s like a second puberty…and we’ve all got a lot to learn. No more taboos.
Let’s get a good understanding of what our body is doing during these crazy years. And, like, when will it end already?!
If a group coaching program's not for you, let's talk about 1-to-1 Custom Coaching
•Go at your own pace and get a completely individualized experience
•Weekly coaching call
•Personalized plan with workbooks, checklists, and tracking
•Access to my Resources vault (workouts, recipes, and more)
•A spot at any workshop occurring during your coaching container
•Go at your own pace and get a completely individualized experience
•Weekly coaching call
•Personalized plan with workbooks, checklists, and tracking
•Access to my Resources vault (workouts, recipes, and more)
•A spot at any workshop occurring during your coaching container
“Be the designer of your world, and not merely the consumer of it.” - James Clear, "Atomic Habits"
The Journey Begins...
This story begins on a beautiful fall day in 2013. I was on lunch break at my job as a technical writer for a Fortune 500 company. It was one of the last warm days of the year and a colleague and I were riding in her convertible along the shore of Lake Michigan. It was wonderful, until I managed to catch a glimpse of myself in her sideview mirror and realized that I could see my scalp through my hair!
What in the world?!
I realized that stress can cause hair loss, so I starting trying to find out how to reverse this while still living my pretty high-stress life. The more I read about symptoms of long term stress, the more worried I got.
At the time, I was working crazy hours, and I lived an hour from my office, which made for a long commute. I didn’t get much time at home. My husband had a similar situation going on with his job at the time. We both felt like we were working our lives away. I often only had the energy to go to work, eat dinner, and go to bed most days.
I was also stressed out because of other health issues I was dealing with. Mainly, I was gaining weight, despite tracking my meals and eating as healthfully as I felt I could with our schedule and working out regularly. My friends and I loved doing hot yoga and HIIT classes, and I had also recently taken up running.
That was the other health issue coming up—my swollen, painful ankles and joints. I’d gone to physical therapy for a chronic ankle sprain, and it helped but it didn’t solve the swelling issue that was happening in both ankles.
I literally, with the addition of the beginning of hair loss, felt like I was turning into an old lady. I was only 32.
I’d been to my doctor, and showed her my workout and food journals. She looked right at me and told me that no one who was eating and exercising the way I was could be gaining weight. She told me I had made the journals up, and suggested I go on an antidepressant.
I knew in my bones that this was not the answer, but I had no idea what to do.
That’s when I met the wife of one of my husband’s colleagues. She was a fertility specialist. At a company Christmas dinner, during a random conversation we turned to the topic of health and I told her a little of what was going on with me.
She put her hand on my arm, looked right in my eyes and said,”It sounds an awful lot like PCOS to me. Make an appointment with my office after the holiday.”
She put her hand on my arm, looked right in my eyes and said,"It sounds an awful lot like PCOS to me. Make an appointment with my office after the holiday."
I had no idea what that was. I booked an appointment for after the holidays the very next morning.
Fast forward through several doctor’s appointments, going off of birth control and tracking my cycles for 90 days with the fertility specialist, and experiencing my very first trans-vaginal ultrasound and I had my answer: I did, in fact, have PCOS.
My answer was Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. My hormones were all out of whack. I was experiencing a wide variety of the typical symptoms. I had a history of many markers that I didn’t know were signs of PCOS from the time I’d hit puberty.
I had my answer. Now I just had to take action and change my health for the better!
Thanks for stopping by! My name is Jane Lockhart and I’ve been on the chronic hormone-related illness journey since 2014. My own health issues led me to uncover a passion for developing health practices that keep me as natural and prescription free as possible—and that journey led me to leave the corporate world, become a yoga instructor and women's health coach, and begin to work with others who are experiencing the same struggles I navigate. I now work with women from all over, with courses, resources, coaching, and retreats to help you to live your life, achieve your goals, and just be happy and healthy in your own skin!
Working with me as your wellness coach means that I will:
•Use my knowledge, skills, and experience to help you bridge the gap between where you want to be and where you are currently. We all start somewhere!
•Help you to set goals that align with your priorities, values, and desires.
•Empower you to make your own decisions—in alignment with your values.
•Work side-by-side with you to design a plan with realistic, actionable steps you can take to achieve your goals.Offer support, encouragement, and problem-solving along the way.
The Intrepid Collective
Are you also a coach? Looking for support on creating strategic, authentic organic social media content with other heart-centered coaches and entrepreneurs? This is the Mastermind Group for you!
— Group Lessons with workbooks and planners
— Monthly Co-Working Sessions
— Group Support and Connection with other coaches
I help other coaches to connect to your audience—let's showcase your real and authentic personality, and help you to get to really know your people:
How About YOU?
Find out where you are on your PCOS and/or Endometriosis journey and take steps toward better wellness so that you can achieve your goals and live a better more fulfilling life!
If you're struggling with your health and fertility; have painful, heavy, or irregular periods; and feel like you are always tired, depressed, or in pain you may have PCOS and/or Endometriosis. Whether you're just starting your journey into finding out what's going on with you, or you've already been diagnosed, the resources in this checklist filled workbook will help you to evaluate exactly where you are and give you concrete steps to move forward to improving your wellness.
Here’s your place to start. You now have easy action steps to implement in building health-supporting wellness practices that will allow you to better manage your PCOS and/or Endometriosis.
With the PCOS and Endometriosis Checklist you can:
•Access your current struggles with PCOS/Endometriosis
•Decide on action steps you can take to begin improving your health
•Put a plan in place to implement your action steps
•Evaluate your progress and adjust your plan to fit your unique needs
Other resources
Mary Kay
Office: 1527 Altgeld St. South Bend, IN, 46614
Call :
Email: [email protected]
©2017-2025 Jane Lockhart UX Designs, LLC. All rights reserved. The trademark JLUX Designs™ is the exclusive property of Jane Lockhart UX Designs, LLC.
This website, including text, blog content, graphic designs, photographs, and other creative works found on this website, constitutes educational and journalistic expression not intended as medical advice.
The content on this website is not intended to substitute medical advice, diagnoses, treatments, or therapies.
You must consult with a trusted healthcare provider regarding any mental or physical ailments.
Testimonials or reviews on this website reflect individual experiences. Outcomes, results, and/or transformation are individualized and are not guaranteed.